construction made from compacted refuse

Rapid Re(f)use

Mitchell Joachim and Terreform ONE, architectural rendering, © 2010, courtesy of Terreform ONE

Mitchell Joachim and Terreform ONE

Mitchell Joachim is an architect and co-founder of Terreform ONE, an interdisciplinary think tank that combines visionary designs with biology and engineering. In the work of Terreform ONE, we see a hopeful vision for the cities and suburbs of the future. We see an urban ecosystem in which waste streams become building materials, transportation is smart, safe, clean and efficient, and the city revolves around a self-sufficient infrastructure that provides the basic necessities of life. We see a world in which architecture and furniture is grown from mushrooms and living cells, and our homes are formed by guided growth of living trees. In this future world, the industrial infrastructure of the past is re-purposed to support a diversity of life and the expansion of clean industries. Part science and part science fiction, these are the ideas of makers, scientists and dreamers. They are the seeds that will grow into the human habitats of the future and yield a sustainable abundance for humankind.

Explore the Gallery

book with bookmark
inkblot in the form of insect with wolf profiles in negative space
image of mountain with reflection in lake
fist that grows into a tree
architectural model of two towers

Rapid Re(f)use

Mitchell Joachim and Terreform ONE, architectural model, © 2010, courtesy of Terreform ONE

pre-fab houses embedded in trees

Fab Tree Hab

Mitchell Joachim and Terreform ONE, architectural rendering, © 2003, courtesy of Terreform ONE

architectural model

Super Docking Navy Yard

Mitchell Joachim and Terreform ONE, architectural model, © 2011, courtesy of Terreform ONE

architectural model

Super Docking Navy Yard

Mitchell Joachim and Terreform ONE, architectural model, © 2011, courtesy of Terreform ONE

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